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Tutorial DECwindows on a MacBook using FreeAXP, Virtualbox, Xming

This is a follow up on the FreeAXP installation on OsX – VirtualBox – Windows7 tutorial

I struggled a little to get DECwindows running on my configuration and I really needed it to use CockpitMgr.

So here is what I did.

After you have installed and configured your OpenVMS node and started your network you are able to use DECwindows.

For this to work properly you need and X-windows client in your Windows system. I use the free Xming client for this so go ahead and download/install this. I created a shortcut on the Windows desktop called XLaunch maybe you should do the same.

Now let me tell you about my setup.

Mac ip-adres:
Windows ip-adres:
OpenVMS ip-adres:

Before we can start anything first edit
C:Program Files (x86)XmingX0.hosts


and save
So you have entered the ip-adres of your OpenVMS node just to be clear on this!

Now start Xming from your desktop
First screen : I enable multiple windows
Second screen : I enable Start no Client
Third screen : left everything default
Last screen : )save if you like) and Finish

In the lower right corner of your windows installation is a X icon and you can rightclick it to open the log file and to check if there is anything strange or if there are errors. Should all be ok.

Now on the OpenVMS node just enter:
$ set display/create/node=
$ run decw$examples:ico

and in my case this opens a window with some moving objects.

I hope this tutorial has helped you if you wantd to know how to setup everything for DECwindows to work.

feel free to email me if you have any remarks or questions at


DECwindows on a Mac

My setup;
ip-adres MacBookPro:
ip-adres VMS: (VMS runs on a MacMini using Bootcamp/Windows7/FreeAXP)

Step 1. Download/Install and Run this is a substitue for the obsolete

Step 2. On a Mac open Terminal and add the ip-adres of your VMS node

$ xhost + being added to access control list
You should see this message

Step 3. Connect to your VMS node (I use iTerm for this)
$ ssh -X username@

bart@’s password:
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0 (! I don’t know why I get this message)

Step 4. On VMS node (and be sure Xqartz is running on your Mac!)

$ set display/create/node=
$ run sys$system:decw$clock
